English Article[009] NGSL Vocabulary | Japanese Brain Training Verbs Japanese Brain TrainingClassificationWordsExample SentencesVerbs #1 (1-100)#1 words#1 Example SentencesVerbs #2 (1... 2024.12.13English Article
English Article[008] Online English Conversation First Session: Greetings and Self-Introduction Hello!Welcome to the Slow Life Window of Dreams and Hopes!Slow Life is all about fun and happy feelings! I'm the admini... 2024.07.12English Article
日本語記事[008] オンライン英会話 初回!【あいさつ】と【自己紹介】 1.オンライン英会話でのあいさつの重要性|2.第一印象を良くする方法|3.英会話をスムーズに進める 2024.07.12日本語記事
English Article[007] Are You Using “Yes” and “No” Correctly? A Thorough Explanation of the Differences Between English and Japanese Hello!Welcome to the Window of Slow Life !Slow Life is all about happy and joyful feelings! I am the administrator of t... 2024.07.03English Article
日本語記事[007]「Yes」と「No」を正しく使いこなしていますか?|英語と日本語の違いを徹底解説! 1.英語の "Yes" と "No" の正しい使い方|2.実際の会話練習|3.英会話の能力向上 2024.06.02日本語記事
English Article[006] Basics of English learning: Master the difference between be verbs and regular verbs! Hello!Welcome to the window of Slow Life !Slow Life is a fun and happy feeling! I'm the administrator of this blog.Plea... 2024.04.01English Article
English Article[005] English learning methods for beginners: Steps to improve effectively Hello!Welcome to the Window of Slow Life !Slow Llife is about happy and joyful feelings! I am the administrator of this... 2024.04.01English Article
English Article[004] Understanding Low-Context Culture | Keys to Successful English Communication Hello!Welcome to the window of Slow Life !Slow Life is fun and happiness feeling! I am the administrator of this blog. P... 2024.03.30English Article
English Article[003] Differences in Communication Styles and Cultures | High-Context vs. Low-Context Cultures Hello!Welcome to the window of Slow Life !Slow Life is fun and happiness feeling! I am the administrator of this blog. P... 2024.03.30English Article